Welcome to bidokbib – the accessible digital library by bidok!

General information about the library

This digital library allows you to read accessible texts directly and in full for free.
The focus of the library is disability and inclusion.
Besides academic articles, you can also find texts with socio-political or artistic content.
The library consists of texts in both difficult and easy-to-read language.
You can find more information on how to find texts and articles in the library as well as legal information in the section called Information for Users.

Information for Authors

bidok offers the possibility of initial publication as well as republication.
You can find further information about how to submit your articles in the section called Information for authors

bidok project

The digital library is part of the bidok project.
bidok stands for the German words Behinderung (disability), Inklusion (inclusion) and Dokumentation (documentation).
You can find further information about bidok in the section about the bidok project

Easy-to-read language

We want the bidok digital library to be accessible for everyone.
Therefore, the most important information is also available in easy-to-read language.
Follow this link for more information about bidok in in easy-to-read language bidok Logo